The Better Ways to Cultivate and Test Students’ Critical Thinking inEnglish Reading in Senior High School

  • Zhenyu Yang School of Foreign Language
Article ID: 2932
Keywords: Critical Thinking, Cultivation and Test, Reading Texts


The New English Curriculum put four key competences based on the current teaching situation and international trend. Thinking ability is one of the key competences, which play the imperative role in students’ learning. Meanwhile, the reading class is one of the best ways to cultivate students’ thinking ability, especially the critical thinking. However, the ways to test student’s critical thinking are still low and intermediate. There is the clear contradiction between the requirements in the New English Curriculum and current situations. If this problem could be improved or solved, Students’ thinking ability can be improved and can also cater to the requirements of the New English Curriculum. This paper will explore how to cultivate and test students’ critical thinking.
How to Cite
Yang, Z. (2022). The Better Ways to Cultivate and Test Students’ Critical Thinking inEnglish Reading in Senior High School. Lifelong Education, 10(3), 55-58.


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