The C-E Translation Study of The Fatal Wounds from the Perspective of E-C Contrastive Analysis

  • Lan Yang School of Translation and Interpreting
Article ID: 2930
Keywords: E-C Contrastive Analysis, Suspense Novel, The Fatal Wounds


Based on E-C contrastive analysis, the distinctive characteristics between Chinese and English were fully recognized and the differences between them were concluded during the translation of the redundant, derivable and loose information in the source text (ST) with the corresponding translation methods so that the target text (TT) could be acquired which has the accordant habits of English expressions, meanwhile to maintain the characteristics of the suspense novel.
How to Cite
Yang, L. (2022). The C-E Translation Study of The Fatal Wounds from the Perspective of E-C Contrastive Analysis. Lifelong Education, 10(3), 48-51.


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