The Enlightenment of Western Education Leadership Theory to Higher Education Management in China

  • Shanghong Sun Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas
Article ID: 2923
Keywords: Western Education Leadership, Theory of Chinese Higher Education Management


With the rapid development of the global economy, education around the world continues to move forward, and higher education has also developed rapidly.Western countries have a certain role in guiding China’s management system in education.This paper mainly discusses some problems in Chinese colleges and universities, and puts forward solutions to promote the development of better and faster in Chinese colleges and universities in the future, at the same time through the influence of western education leadership on Chinese talent training mode, to analyze the experience and lessons to suit the national conditions, provide reference for higher education.
How to Cite
Sun, S. (2022). The Enlightenment of Western Education Leadership Theory to Higher Education Management in China. Lifelong Education, 10(3), 20-22.


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