A Comparative Study of Information Reconstructing in Tourism Translation

  • Wen Wu Guangxi Interxational Business Vocational College Nanning Guangxi
Article ID: 2488
Keywords: tourist attractions, introduction translation, information reorganization, comparison


The process of translation is also a process of comparative analysis of information. There are differences in language structure and organization, and readers of different languages have different reading habits. When translating tourist texts, we must consider the information focus and expression effect of the original text and the translated text, reduce differences, compare and analyze the Chinese and English versions of the tourist attractions introduction to improve the publicity effect of the tourist attractions. The article mainly analyzes the information reconstruction and comparison of the translation of the introduction of tourist attractions.
How to Cite
Wu, W. (2021). A Comparative Study of Information Reconstructing in Tourism Translation. Lifelong Education, 10(1), 16-18. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v10i1.2488


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