Exploration on the Teaching Reform of the Course Ideology and Politics into the Circuit Course

  • Yiran Jiang Baoding University of Technology
Article ID: 2484
Keywords: Curriculum Ideology, Circuit Curriculum, Teaching Reform


The ideological and political concept of the curriculum has pointed out the direction for the reform of professional curriculum teaching in the new era. Circuit course is a professional course of science and engineering such as electrical and electronic courses. It integrates ideological and political concepts into the teaching and plays an important role in correcting students’ thoughts and behaviors and cultivating students’ practical ability.
How to Cite
Jiang, Y. (2021). Exploration on the Teaching Reform of the Course Ideology and Politics into the Circuit Course. Lifelong Education, 10(1), 4-7. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v10i1.2484


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