Research on “Learner Autonomy” in College English Teaching

  • Shaojie Wu Enshi Polytechnic
Ariticle ID: 1998
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Keywords: College English, learner autonomy, existing problems, optimization strategies


With the continuous advancement of education and teaching reform in our country, people’s teaching concepts are constantly updated, and more and more people have realized the importance of guiding students to learn independently in education and teaching. In college English teaching, combining the relevant requirements of modern language teaching and applying the “learner autonomy†teaching strategy has a very positive significance for improving students’ overall quality and promoting their overall development. This article first discusses the problems of “learner autonomy†in college English teaching, and then puts forward some optimization strategies, hoping to provide some useful references to relevant teachers.


[1] Pu Yazhu. Research on “Learner Autonomy†in College English Teaching[J]. Horizon View, 2019, 000(011): 1-1.

[2] Zheng Xiaoyi. Reflections on the issue of “learner autonomy†in college English teaching[J]. Youth Times, 2019, 000(012):193-194.

How to Cite
Wu, S. (2021). Research on “Learner Autonomy” in College English Teaching. Lifelong Education, 9(8), 195-196.