Discussion on the Innovation of Teaching Mode of “Management” in Business Administration Courses

  • Jiamin Hong Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University
Article ID: 1976
Keywords: Business administration, “Management”, Teaching, Innovation


Business administration is one of the core majors in colleges and universities, and “Management†is the core course of majors, which plays an important role in laying the foundation for students’ learning. As one of the basic courses, “Management†has an important effect in students’ later study of other professional courses. Even in the postgraduate entrance exam, “Management†is also one of the required subjects for professional examination. In view of the current teaching situation of “Management†in business administration, there are still some problems and deficiencies. Therefore, it is necessary to study the innovative countermeasures for the teaching of “Management†in business administration courses.
How to Cite
Hong, J. (2021). Discussion on the Innovation of Teaching Mode of “Management” in Business Administration Courses. Lifelong Education, 9(8), 120-122. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v9i8.1976


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