Challenges and opportunities of Internet + Education

  • Baoning Zhang School of Management, Jiujiang University
  • Jianhong Peng School of Management, Jiujiang University
Article ID: 1947
Keywords: New Crown Epidemic, Internet Education, Innovation Management


With the continuous penetration of the Internet, the role of Internet education in the educational service system is becoming more and more important, but it is also facing more and more development opportunities and challenges. To make up for the shortcomings of traditional teaching, it can also develop into the main way for students to carry out autonomous learning, which is helpful to improve the level of quality education of students in an all-round way, and to promote the balanced and efficient development of education in China.
How to Cite
Zhang, B., & Peng, J. (2021). Challenges and opportunities of Internet + Education. Lifelong Education, 9(8), 11-14.


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