Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3899

    Accompagner la vie professionnelle des personnes suivies en cancérologie : une expérience en centre de lutte contre le cancer

    by E. Renault-Tessier, A. Du Crest, A.-L. Lieb, E. Picod, E. Nebenzahl

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.17, No.1, 2023; 26 Views

    Maintaining or returning to work for people with cancer is a major issue. One in five people lose their job 5 years after diagnosis. The problem is complex, in connection with the consequences of the disease, the treatments, the partial knowledge of the aid devices, and the socioprofessional particularities. First of all, an update on the state of play in France is made, to understand the situation on the demographic level, the material and psychological consequences. Then, the article traces the experience of a cancer care center in the establishment of a system to support the professional life of people followed in oncology. This project is based on several preliminary investigations and is the subject of implementation assistance, thanks to a grant from the French National Cancer Institute. It revolves around three axes: that of professionals, patients, and the company. Finally, the summary of the work undertaken attempts to draw up recommendations that can be transferred to establishments welcoming people with cancer.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3907

    Facteurs associés à la symptomatologie anxiodépressive chez des femmes tunisiennes atteintes d’un cancer du sein

    by M. Karoui, R. Kamoun, H. Nefzi, N. Marrakchi, H. Raies, A. Mezlini, K. Meddeb, F. Ellouze

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.17, No.1, 2023; 22 Views

    Aim : The objective of this study is to investigate the prevalence of depression and anxiety in women Tunisian population followed for breast cancer and to identify the socio-demographic, clinical, and of couple relationship factors associated with them. Procedure : Cross-sectional study on 100 patients followed for confirmed breast cancer. A questionnaire on the sociodemographic, clinical, therapeutic, conjugal, and sexual characteristics of the couple was completed. The HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) was used for the detection of anxiety and depressive symptoms. Results : A clinical score was found in 48% of cases for anxiety and 37% of cases for depression. Patients who experienced a negative spouses’ reaction for their illness and whose marital relationship and sexual relationship were impaired showed significantly more anxiety and depressive symptoms. Undisturbed sexual function was found to be protective against depression and anxiety. Conclusion : The results of this study highlight the importance of developing specific measures to improve communication and promote sexual health within the couple in Tunisia.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3910

    « Le cancer, ce n’est pas juste une histoire de maladie » : l’expérience du cancer du sein à la lumière des métaphores des patientes

    by A. Guité-Verret, M. Vachon

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.17, No.1, 2023; 21 Views

    The aim of this study is to better understand the experience of breast cancer through the analysis of the metaphors in the narratives of women with breast cancer. The blogs of two women were selected and processed according to an interpretative phenomenological analysis. This analysis highlights three metaphors in light of which these women seemed to understand their experience: the body as a medical battlefield, the fragmented body, and the cancer journey. These findings underline the violent changes in the boundaries of the body and the subject that can occur during cancer treatment, as well as the need to integrate this experience to one’s existence, instead of fighting it. This study also addresses the relationship between metaphors, meaning, and the experience of cancer.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3933

    SARS-CoV2 et cancer : quel impact psychologique ? Expérience du service d’oncologie médicale du centre hospitalier universitaire Hassan-II de Fès, Maroc

    by L. Amaadour, I. Lahrch, O. Siyouri, K. Oualla, Z. Benbrahim, S. Arifi, C. Aarab, S. El Fakir, N. Mellas

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.17, No.1, 2023; 20 Views

    Background : The Covid-19 disease is a cause for several mental alterations mainly in cancer patients who are already categorized as a vulnerable population. Aim : The objective of this study is to characterize psychological disorders caused by Covid-19 infection among cancer patients on systemic treatment. Methods : It is a cross-sectional study performed at the Department of Medical Oncology of Hassan-II University Hospital of Fez, Morocco, during a period of four months (peak of the pandemic). Symptoms of anxiety/depression and post-traumatic stress disorder in patients were screened using HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and PCL-5 (post-traumatic stress disorder checklist version DSM-5) scales. Mini-MAC (mini-mental adjustment to cancer) scale was used to evaluate a mental adjustment to cancer during the context of Covid-19 infection. Results : Of the 53 patients in this study, 45.2% had posttraumatic stress disorder, 20.7% presented symptoms of depression, and 69.8% had symptoms of anxiety. Age less than 65 years, females, and the intention of treatment (curative vs. palliative intent) were predictive factors of anxiety disorders. All of our patients returned to complete their treatment after their SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) infection was cured. Conclusion : The prevalence of anxiety and post-traumatic stress was higher among cancer patients comparatively to general population. These results suggest the need of psycho-oncological supportive-care programs during the actual pandemic.

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 3917

    Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Cancer, Work & Employment” Paris, November 21 and 22, 2022

    by P. Gérain, P. Aurouet, J. Foucaud

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.17, No.1, 2023; 30 Views

    This paper is an overview of the International Scientific Conference on “Cancer, Work & Employment” that was held in Paris on November 21 and 22, 2022, and organized by the French National Cancer Institute (INCa). The conference was structured around four keynote presentations and two roundtables, with renowned international speakers. The focus of this conference was to discuss the challenges of return or access to work and job retention when facing cancer, from interdisciplinary perspectives (e.g., psychology, sociology, economics). Speakers analyzed return-to-work (RTW) determinants for cancer patients, with a particular focus on specific forms of cancer, working conditions (e.g., self-employment, adaptations at work when returning), and the influence of differences in social welfare systems. Current interventions to support RTW were analyzed, from the patient’s point of view and in terms of improving healthcare professionals’ practices. Prospects for future research in the field were also discussed (e.g., focus on underrepresented populations, considering the influence of longer treatments, incorporating changes in career paths). Finally, the broad spectrum of disciplines and the diversity in involved countries offered a rare opportunity to exchange ideas and helped initiate collaboration between participants.

  • Open Access

    Case Report

    Article ID: 3901

    Enjeux psychologiques du retour à l’emploi après un cancer : illustrations autour de deux cas cliniques

    by E. Favré, C. Sallard

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.17, No.1, 2023; 15 Views

    Due to the physical and psychological changes brought on by the disease and oncological treatments, returning to work after cancer can be perceived as a real challenge for patients. Given the prevalence of questions raised, the necessary psychological adjustments, and the various options related to the reorganization of their working time, patients may often make an appointment or be referred to a psychological consultation to address their return to work. This topic, which can appear as soon as the beginning of treatment, must be taken into consideration by health professionals at all times during the patients’ care. It is important for them to be properly informed about the various aid schemes available in order to be able to provide patients with the best possible guidance. This can help their questions and their emotional experiences feel legitimate, and in turn help them to readjust. This is why the 10-year 2021–2030 cancer control strategy includes, among its ambitions, the reduction of effects of cancer treatment and thus provides potential improvements of labor law and social security measures. These developments clearly show that the issues for patients are part of a more global dimension, in which the hospital environment and employers are particularly involved, which makes it a societal issue. In order to put these issues into perspective, this article presents clinical situations of two patients currently in remission from breast cancer, who have received psychological follow-up and for whom the question of returning to work was an important issue throughout the comprehensive care of their pathology.

  • Open Access

    Case Report

    Article ID: 3904

    Patient engagé : faire de mon expérience une réelle opportunité

    by B. Porro

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.17, No.1, 2023; 16 Views

    The professional support of working-aged cancer patients is of major public health importance. Whether they return to work or not, the priority remains to preserve their quality of life. Moreover, for some patients, a professional break can be taken in favor of commitment for associations, care, and/or scientific research services. This is a real return to activity which can be synonymous with a professional springboard for these patients as well. This is because they can build a new professional trajectory by combining their initial professional skills and their acquired experiential knowledge. This is the light we wish to shed in this article, using a case study. In addition, new research questions will be proposed.