Promoting Post-Traumatic Growth in Colorectal Cancer Patients: Exploring the Role of Social Support through a Chain Mediation Model

  • Xia Sun Department of General Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, 221006, China
  • Qin Li Department of General Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, 221006, China
  • Yang Li School of Nursing, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, 221004, China
  • Wenjun Yan School of Nursing, Suzhou Medical College of Soochow University, Suzhou, 215006, China
  • Shuai Gong Department of General Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, 221006, China
  • Wenjing Yan School of Nursing, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, 221004, China
Article ID: 3836
Keywords: Social support; positive psychological capital; perceived stress; mediating effect; post-traumatic growth


Colorectal cancer (CRC) poses significant physical and psychological challenges that necessitate an exploration of factors influencing post-traumatic growth (PTG) for patient well-being. This study aims to investigate the effects of positive psychological capital (PsyCap) and perceived stress on mediating the social support-PTG relation among 673 CRC patients. Social support, positive PsyCap, perceived stress, and PTG were assessed through questionnaires. The results indicated a direct prediction effect of social support on PTG (LICI = 0.481, ULCI = 0.644), with the direct effect being 59.5%. Both positive PsyCap and perceived stress exerted a mediating role in the correlation between social support and PTG, with the mediating effects occupying 29.4% (LICI = 0.217, ULCI = 0.343) and 5.7% (LICI = 0.030, ULCI = 0.082), respectively. Positive PsyCap further had a chain mediating effect on perceived stress (LICI = 0.031, ULCI = 0.074)), with the chain effect accounting for 5.4%. The total impact of social support on PTG was 100% (LICI = 0.882, ULCI = 1.008). This model underscores the pivotal role of social support in promoting PTG in CRC patients. Positive PsyCap serves as a crucial mediator in the social support-PTG link, with perceived stress playing a sequential mediating role. These findings suggest that strengthening social support networks and cultivating positive PsyCap may reduce perceived stress and promote the development of PTG in CRC patients. Consequently, intervention programs are recommended to improve the psychosocial well-being of CRC patients.


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How to Cite
Sun, X., Li, Q., Li, Y., Yan, W., Gong, S., & Yan, W. (2024). Promoting Post-Traumatic Growth in Colorectal Cancer Patients: Exploring the Role of Social Support through a Chain Mediation Model. Psycho-Oncologie, 18(3), 233-240. Retrieved from