Determination of psychosocial care practices and needs of oncology nurses
The purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the psychosocial nursing practices and needs of oncology nurses by testing the validity and reliability of the scale by adapting and applying the questionnaire prepared by the American Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) group to determine the psychosocial nursing practices and needs of oncology nurses. Method: The study was descriptive. The questionnaire consisted of a total of 24 questions, including 4 questions about socio-demographic characteristics and 20 Likert-type questions. The research group consisted of 201 oncology nurses in Turkey. Content Validity Ratio (CVR) was calculated. Content Validity Ratio (CVR) was higher than 80% of the experts’ consensus for all items. KMO was satisfactory (KMO. 0.820) and the assumption of sphericity was met (22–4003.071.0.001). Using the split-half method (dividing the test into two halves), the reliability values of Strict Parallel (0.922) and Gutman Split Half Coefficients (0.916) were high and the scale was found to be reliable. Results and conclusions: The Determination of Psychosocial Care Practices and Needs of oncology nurses questionnaire is a valid and reliable scale that can be used in Turkish. When the results of this questionnaire were examined to determine the needs of oncology nurses during Psychosocial Care Practices, it was found that there were deficiencies such as lack of time, knowledge, experience and resources. At the same time, it is recommended that this study be used in different studies with large sample groups in order to contribute to the literature as a guide for oncology buses.
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