Research on Health Effects of Environmental Chemicals Based on Structure and Gene Association Analysis

  • Yinbing Zhang Hubei University
Article ID: 791
Keywords: Structure, Genes, Association Analysis, Chemicals, Health Effects


China is a major producer and consumer of chemicals. The production and use of chemicals play a role in the development of the entire national economy. Therefore, effective chemical management has a huge impact on the development of the national economy. At present, chemical management guidelines have achieved a lot in chemical operations, but there are still many shortcomings. Relevant institutions should further improve the standard system, strengthen the coordination of subjective institutions, the supervision and management, establish information standards, complete information sharing, build a feedback system, strengthen the transformation of experimental results and trust training.

How to Cite
Zhang, Y. (2021). Research on Health Effects of Environmental Chemicals Based on Structure and Gene Association Analysis. Materials Physics and Chemistry, 3(1), 7-11.


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