Mathematical Modeling of Hydraulic Resistance in Pipes With Rough Walls

  • Lobanov Lgor Evgenjevich MAL
Article ID: 566
Keywords: roughness, hydro-resistance, modeling, turbulent, intensification, heat transfer.


In recent years, the numbers of patents have been devoted to the development of rough pipes. The technique theoretical settlement determine of factor of hydraulic resistance for round pipes with rough walls is developed on the basis of a principle of a superposition of complete viscosity in turbulent a layer mainly distinguished from the existing theories. The received results of account for the extended range of determining parameters much distinguished from appropriate given for round pipes with turbulizers, specify a level и intensification of heat exchange.
How to Cite
Evgenjevich, L. L. (2021). Mathematical Modeling of Hydraulic Resistance in Pipes With Rough Walls. Materials Physics and Chemistry, 3(1), 74-81.


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