Synthesis of Novel Chalcone Derivatives by Organic Catalysis

  • Junlong Li College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anyang University of Technology
  • Ruocan Zhuang College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anyang University of Technology
  • Yinan Qian College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Anyang University of Technology
Article ID: 564
Keywords: Chalcone, transacrylone derivatives, anthrone, catalysts


Chalcone compounds have a wide range of biological activities. In this paper, nine kinds of novel chalcone compounds were synthesized by using transacrylone derivatives and anthrone as raw materials. The effects of different catalysts and solvents on the yield of the products were investigated. The optimal catalyst was DABCO. The optimum solvent was dichloromethane with the highest yield of 71.6%. On this basis, the effect of the co-catalyst on the yield was investigated. The yield was increased to 89.9%.


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How to Cite
Li, J., Zhuang, R., & Qian, Y. (2020). Synthesis of Novel Chalcone Derivatives by Organic Catalysis. Materials Physics and Chemistry, 2(1), 68-73.