Multiple phases of nanocrystalline materials: Preparation with phase purity by a facile method and characterization

  • C. K. Mahadevan Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 620024, India
Article ID: 3527
Keywords: polymorphs; nanocrystalline materials; X-ray diffraction analysis; thermogravimetric analysis; microwave-assisted solvothermal method; physicochemical properties


There are many solid materials existing as different structural and other phases (polymorphs), when prepared with different conditions; they exhibit different physicochemical properties. It is important to consider the preparation of all these crystalline phases (along with amorphous phase), at nanoscale, in their pure form by using facile and cost-effective methods. Our study with nickel sulphide is considered here to illustrate this. Nickel sulphide exhibits three prominent phases which are: α-NiS, β-NiS and NiS1.03. These crystalline (and amorphous NiS1.03) nanophases along with doped α-NiS nanocrystals (doped with Cd2+, Fe2+ and O2−) have been successfully prepared in high purity using a facile solvothermal route (with the use of commercially availabe microwave oven); and they were charcterized physicochemically (chemically, structurally, optically, magnetically and electrically) using available standard methods. Obtained results indicate that the facile method adopted for the preparation is found to be an effective and cost-effective one. The role of XRD and TG/DTA measurements is found to be important in this preparation. A brief review is made in this direction.


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How to Cite
Mahadevan, C. K. (2024). Multiple phases of nanocrystalline materials: Preparation with phase purity by a facile method and characterization. Materials Physics and Chemistry, 6(1), 3527.