Tentative Approaches to Practical Teaching of Business English Undergraduate Programme

  • Penghua Fan Southwest Jiaotong University
Article ID: 962
Keywords: Business English Undergraduate Programme, Practical Teaching, Experiential Educational Programs, Tentative Approaches


Practical teaching of Business English Undergraduate Programme in the context of Chinese mainland can be a complex issue, deserving an in-depth inquiry. Typically, its practical teaching is based on certain experiential education programs. Two small-scaled questionnaires were conducted in this study. One was designed to gain the feedback of businesses and organizations on recruiting business English graduates, and the other was made for knowing the feedback of business English students on practical teaching. The findings of the two questionnaires indicate that changes should be made to the practical teaching. For enhancing practical teaching for business English Undergraduate Programme, tentative approaches to practical teaching are proposed and analyzed.


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[3] Ernesto Macaro, et al., A systematic review of English medium instruction in higher education, Language Teaching 51.1 (2018): 36-76.

[4] Joan E. McLachlan, Patricia F. Hess, internships for today’s world, New York: Rowman &Littlefield, 2014.

How to Cite
Fan, P. (2020). Tentative Approaches to Practical Teaching of Business English Undergraduate Programme. Lifelong Education, 9(4), 210-213. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v9i4.962