Study on the strategies of improving middle school English teachers' learning ability in the information age

  • Jie Xu Lingnan Normal University
Article ID: 772
Keywords: Informationization, English teacher, learning ability, promotion way


With the deepening of education reform and the coming of information age, English information-based teaching has become the center of English teaching. At the same time, middle school English teachers must keep pace with the times, improve their own ability and better use it in teaching. This paper first analyzes the importance of improving English teachers' learning ability in the information age and the present situation of English teaching, then discusses the problems in practical application, and finally puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.

How to Cite
Xu, J. (2019). Study on the strategies of improving middle school English teachers’ learning ability in the information age. Lifelong Education, 8(1), 20-23.


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