Research on the Practice of Psychology in Vocational Education Management

  • Xin Zixian Point north education company
Article ID: 3514
Keywords: Psychological theory; Vocational education management; Function; implement


The role of psychological theory in vocational education management is multifaceted. This article first explores the definition and scope of psychological theory, its key principles and concepts, and its practical implementation in vocational education. The role is to enhance student motivation, facilitate effective communication, and create a positive learning environment, which can be applied in career guidance, emotional regulation, leadership, and teamwork. Finally, challenges and strategies for overcoming obstacles in applied psychology theory were discussed. Through the above research, vocational colleges can create a conducive learning environment for students, enabling them to possess the skills and mindset necessary to succeed in their chosen careers.

How to Cite
Zixian, X. (2024). Research on the Practice of Psychology in Vocational Education Management. Lifelong Education, 13(1).


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