Exploration of the Application and Practice of IELTS Oral Teaching under the Sino-Foreign Joint Training Model in Private Colleges

  • Xianghong Yin South China Business College Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Guangzhou
Ariticle ID: 2651
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Keywords: Private Colleges and Universities, Sino-Foreign Joint, IELTS Oral, Teaching Strategies


The influence of the Chinese-foreign joint training model on IELTS oral teaching is reflected in various aspects, such as “enhancing teaching strengthâ€, “actively educating people atmosphereâ€, “maintaining the advanced nature of teaching†and so on. This article mainly focuses on the in-depth analysis of the two aspects of “the influence of the Sino-foreign joint training model on IELTS oral teaching†and the “effective strategies for IELTS oral teaching in private colleges under the Sino-foreign joint training modelâ€. The optimization strategy of college IELTS oral teaching is dedicated to reforming the traditional IELTS oral teaching philosophy and teaching mode, adjusting the impetuous and utilitarian psychology of students, and enabling students to maintain a more active and healthy learning attitude.


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How to Cite
Yin, X. (2022). Exploration of the Application and Practice of IELTS Oral Teaching under the Sino-Foreign Joint Training Model in Private Colleges. Lifelong Education, 10(2), 83-85. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v10i2.2651