A Study on the Application of the Mind Maps to English Vocabulary Teaching in Primary School

  • Xue Mi Kashi University
Article ID: 2637
Keywords: Mind Mapping, Primary School, English Vocabulary Teaching


Vocabulary teaching is the enlightenment stage of primary school English education, but bound by traditional teaching methods, primary school students have obstacles in memorizing multiple words at the same time. Using mind mapping as a teaching method to assist teachers’ teaching can improve students’ learning interests and efficiency in vocabulary learning and enhance teachers’ teaching efficiency as well. This paper adopts the research method of comparative experiment to explore which specific vocabularies in English texts should link together using mind mapping and which kinds of vocabularies are suitable for holistic learning method. Helped with the experimental process, this paper explores the problems of mind mapping in primary school English vocabulary teaching, analyzes the causes, and finally puts forward some feasible countermeasures.
How to Cite
Mi, X. (2022). A Study on the Application of the Mind Maps to English Vocabulary Teaching in Primary School. Lifelong Education, 10(2), 63-65. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v10i2.2637


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