The Path of Creating Order of Tibetan Chinese Literature Structure under the Consciousness of National Community

  • Xuhui Jiao Nagin campus of Tibet University, Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region
Article ID: 2636
Keywords: Tibetan Chinese Literature, National Community


From the generation of natural geographical landscape to the subject’s specific experience perception, and then to the presentation, dissemination and acceptance of text materialized description, landscape images have experienced a series of generation processes of symbolic meaning. Natural geographical landscape and humanistic geographical landscape have continuously generated the emotional pulse and narrative logic of regional writers, which has become a solid foundation for writers’ creative experience in various periods, On the basis of personal perception and experience accumulation, the characteristics of snow landscape and regional emotional connection have become an important material source for Tibetan regional writers’ literary writing.
How to Cite
Jiao, X. (2022). The Path of Creating Order of Tibetan Chinese Literature Structure under the Consciousness of National Community. Lifelong Education, 10(2), 66-70.


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