Exploration and Practice of the Application-oriented Talent Training Model of the Integration between Industry and Education under the Background of Emerging Engineering Education

  • Hengyi Yuan College of Mechanical Engineering, Jilin Engineering Normal University
  • Yi Li College of Mechanical Engineering, Jilin Engineering Normal University
Article ID: 1520
Keywords: Emerging Engineering Education Background, Applied Type, Talent Training Model, Integration between Industry and Education


How to train high-quality computer professionals is a key issue facing the computer major under the background of emerging engineering education, and it is also the key to the development of computer majors. This article is based on the idea of emerging engineering education construction, industry needs, and strengthens the integration between industry and education, highlighting Students' main body status, exploring teaching models suitable for application-oriented talent training.
How to Cite
Yuan, H., & Li, Y. (2020). Exploration and Practice of the Application-oriented Talent Training Model of the Integration between Industry and Education under the Background of Emerging Engineering Education. Lifelong Education, 9(7), 216-218. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v9i7.1520


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