Analysis on Innovation Countermeasures of Human Resource Performance Management of Pesticide Enterprises in the Era of Big Data

  • Changzhi Li Shaanxi Microbe Biological Technology Co., Ltd
  • Zhongcheng Pan Shaanxi Microbe Biological Technology Co., Ltd
  • Jing Weng Shaanxi Microbe Biological Technology Co., Ltd
  • Pumin Li Shaanxi Microbe Biological Technology Co., Ltd
Article ID: 1518
Keywords: Big Data, Pesticide Enterprises, Human Resources, Performance Management, Innovation


In today’s rapid development of network technology, big data has been more and more applied. In the information and digital era, technological development is constantly promoting the reform and progress of the industry. In enterprise management, more and more big data technologies and concepts are applied. In terms of the application of big data in human resource management performance, the relevant technology is applied to human resource performance management has brought a new mode, which plays a prominent role in improving the efficiency of human resource performance management. However, there are still some problems in practical application. This paper, taking pesticide enterprises as an example, studies the problems and countermeasures of human resource management in such enterprises in the era of big data, so as to provide some ideas for guiding relevant enterprises to make good use of big data in human resource performance management.
How to Cite
Li, C., Pan, Z., Weng, J., & Li, P. (2020). Analysis on Innovation Countermeasures of Human Resource Performance Management of Pesticide Enterprises in the Era of Big Data. Lifelong Education, 9(7), 210-212.


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