Exploration of Higher Mathematics Teaching Strategies of Vocational Undergraduate Education

  • Chizeng Yu Guangdong Business and Technology University
Article ID: 1483
Keywords: Vocational Undergraduate Education, Higher Mathematics, Teaching Strategies


The pilots of undergraduate major of higher vocational colleges are the transforms of vocational education to the socio-economic development, which advance sound development for vocational education, in order to response students’ acceptance of higher level talent training plan. Under the vocational undergraduate curriculum system, Higher Mathematics as one of the public basic courses, the teaching methods should be adjusted promptly and used to teach students in accordance with their aptitudes, as a fundamental role in Vocational Undergraduate Education. Combining with the teaching characteristics of vocational undergraduate education, this paper applied several teaching strategies of higher mathematics to adjust vocational undergraduate course system.
How to Cite
Yu, C. (2020). Exploration of Higher Mathematics Teaching Strategies of Vocational Undergraduate Education. Lifelong Education, 9(7), 109-110. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v9i7.1483


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