Research on the General Situation of College Students’ Coping Styles

  • Zhihui Gong Jilin Engineering Normal University
Article ID: 1453
Keywords: Coping Styles, General Situation, College Students


Coping styles are the adjustment behavior of college students to stressful situations. To explore the General Situation of college students’ coping styles, use the simple coping style questionnaire compiled by Xie, Yaning in 1998 to conduct a survey. The questionnaire is divided into two dimensions: positive coping styles and negative coping styles. This research takes 522 college students from ordinary universities in Jilin Province as the research objects, analyzes some characteristics of current college students’ coping styles, and finds that college students are more likely to adopt negative coping styles when coping with stress.
How to Cite
Gong, Z. (2020). Research on the General Situation of College Students’ Coping Styles. Lifelong Education, 9(7), 6-7.


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