Design and Application of E-Learning Environment Layered Structure Model in Colleges and Universities

  • Fang Fang Shaanxi University of Science & Technology
Article ID: 1353
Keywords: Education, E-learning, Teaching, Layered Structure Model


There are problems such as unclear labor division and insufficient contact between departments in the e-learning education environment in higher education. Each of colleges or universities needs to design its own model and apply it to the education and teaching environment based on the unique structure, organization, management system and other conditions to improve the management efficiency of learning, education and teaching, which improves the level of management and gives full play to its role. This article briefly discusses the design and application of e-learning environment layered structure model in colleges and universities.
How to Cite
Fang, F. (2020). Design and Application of E-Learning Environment Layered Structure Model in Colleges and Universities. Lifelong Education, 9(6), 248-251.


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