Teachers, Studens, Homework

  • Chunli Pu Honghe University
Ariticle ID: 1352
238 Views, 9 PDF Downloads
Keywords: Homework, Goal, Purpose


The function of homework is to meet teaching purpose and learning goal. From teachers’ and students’ point of view, this thesis refers some advice on how to assign and grade students homework. It has some reference value.


[1] Brock, C. H., Lapp, D., Flood, J., Fisher, D., & Han, K. T. (2007). Does homework matter? An investigation of teacher perceptions about homework practices for children from non-dominant backgrounds. Urban Education, 42(4), 349- 372.

[2] Epstein, J. L., & Van Voorhis, F. L. (2001). More Than Minutes: Teachers’ Roles in Designing Homework. Educational Psychologist, 36(3), 181-193.

[3] Darling-Hammond, L., & Ifill-Lynch, O. (2006). If They’d Only Do Their Work! (Cover story). Educational Leadership, 63(5), 8-13.

[4] Van Voorhis, F. (2011). Costs and benefits of family involvement in homework. Journal of Advanced Academics, 22(2), 220-249.

How to Cite
Pu, C. (2020). Teachers, Studens, Homework. Lifelong Education, 9(6), 246-247. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v9i6.1352