An Analysis of Chinese American Literature from the Perspective of Cultural Translation

  • Zhenyuan Chen School of Foreign Languages, Yancheng Teachers University
Article ID: 1342
Keywords: Chinese American Literature, Cultural Translation, Cultural Turn.


The rise and development of Chinese-American literature is closely related to the socio-cultural context in which the subject of its creation resides. Because the works contain a lot of Chinese elements, the writing of Chinese American literature often entails translation from the perspective of cultural studies. This kind of translation does not refer to the simple conversion on linguistic level, but the adaptation of Chinese culture, Chinese history and Chinese experience, which is a kind of invisible cultural translation. Chinese American writers have applied Chinese traditional culture to their works and achieved success in the target audience, which provides effective solutions and rich experience for the dissemination of traditional Chinese culture. This paper intends to study Chinese American literature from the perspective of cultural translations, and its enlightenment on the dissemination of traditional Chinese culture overseas.
How to Cite
Chen, Z. (2020). An Analysis of Chinese American Literature from the Perspective of Cultural Translation. Lifelong Education, 9(6), 196-200.


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