Analysis of Information Security Maintenance Countermeasures in Power Automation Communication Technology

  • Kun Luo Zhengzhou Railway Vocational& Technical College
Article ID: 1320
Keywords: Power Automation, Communication Technology, Information Security Maintenance


This article is divided into three parts. The first part is to summarize the current situation of the use of power automation communication systems, information security, and the basic requirements of the current society for the information security of the system. The second part analyzes the current information security problems of power communication technology from human factors, natural factors, and technical loopholes. The third part explores the maintenance countermeasures to improve the information security of power automation communication technology and systems.
How to Cite
Luo, K. (2020). Analysis of Information Security Maintenance Countermeasures in Power Automation Communication Technology. Lifelong Education, 9(6), 127-129.


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