Teaching Problems and Countermeasures Analysis of the Course of Chinese Modern Economic History in History Major

  • Boli Ding Shangqiu Normal University
Article ID: 1314
Keywords: History Major, Modern Chinese Economic History, Curriculum Teaching, Problems and Countermeasures, Analysis


Chinese Modern Economic History is an interdisciplinary subject closely related to history and economics. The course of “Chinese Modern Economic History†set up by the history major of higher vocational education has an irreplaceable role in improving the subjectivity and independence of the subject, and is conducive to promoting the employment of students. However, with the in-depth reform of China’s vocational education system, there are still many problems in the course that need to be resolved. This article focuses on the problems and countermeasures related to the teaching of the history of Chinese Modern Economic History.
How to Cite
Ding, B. (2020). Teaching Problems and Countermeasures Analysis of the Course of Chinese Modern Economic History in History Major . Lifelong Education, 9(6), 110-112. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v9i6.1314


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