Investigation on the Status quo of College Students’ Career Selection

  • Cuilian Ai Baoshan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Yongmei Zhang Baoshan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Jianxue Duan Baoshan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Article ID: 1311
Keywords: College Students, Current Status of Career Selection, Problems, Countermeasures


With the expansion of colleges and universities, the market employment situation is becoming more and more serious. A large number of college graduates are facing major challenges in choosing employment. Under this background, career selection is the key factor that guides college students’ successful employment. Establishing a correct view of career selection can help college students improve their self-awareness, clarify career planning, and improve employment concepts, etc. so that college students can smoothly graduate and find satisfying jobs. This article aims to analyze the problems of college students’ career choice through investigation and research on college students’ career choice, and puts forward improvement strategies in combination with the current employment situation, in order to provide some help for college students’ career choice education.
How to Cite
Ai, C., Zhang, Y., & Duan, J. (2020). Investigation on the Status quo of College Students’ Career Selection. Lifelong Education, 9(6), 100-102.


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