Research on Teaching Strategy of Roadbed Structure and Construction Course Based on BIM Technology

  • Qing Wang Henan Communication Vocational Technology College
  • Yongxiang Ren Xuchang Vocational Technical College
Article ID: 1302
Keywords: BIM Technology, Roadbed Structure and Construction, Course Teaching, Specific Countermeasures


The roadbed structure and construction course is a compulsory course for the major of road and bridge engineering technology in higher vocational colleges. The content of the course is theoretical, the formula is complex, and it is difficult to understand, which increases the difficulty of students’ learning, especially under the traditional “indoctrination†theoretical teaching mode , Classroom teaching efficiency is low, and students tend to lose interest and confidence in learning. With the application of BIM technology, students were visually shown the relationship between subgrade structure and construction components and construction links, with remarkable results. This article focuses on the problems related to the teaching of roadbed structure and construction courses based on BIM technology.
How to Cite
Wang, Q., & Ren, Y. (2020). Research on Teaching Strategy of Roadbed Structure and Construction Course Based on BIM Technology. Lifelong Education, 9(6), 72-74.


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