Analysis of Innovative Approaches to the Management of Class Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges under the Background of Informatization

  • Qiong Pi Hainan College of Vocation&Technique
  • Rubao Li Hainan College of Vocation&Technique
Article ID: 1301
Keywords: Informatization, higher vocational education, head teacher, management, innovation


with the continuous progress and development of modern social economy and science and technology, network informatization has been popularized in all aspects of people’s life, which also puts forward higher requirements for the management quality of higher vocational colleges. Therefore, the head teacher in higher vocational colleges should not only pay attention to the actual needs of students in learning and life, but also be able to combine the development situation of modern society in real time and formulate a more perfect management system, so as to effectively improve the professional ability of students and the cultivation quality of comprehensive quality.
How to Cite
Pi, Q., & Li, R. (2020). Analysis of Innovative Approaches to the Management of Class Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges under the Background of Informatization. Lifelong Education, 9(6), 69-71.


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