The Innovative Development of Party Building in Colleges and Universities in the Internet+ Era

  • Hao Wang Shenyang Conservatory of Music
Article ID: 1300
Keywords: Internet, Party Building in Colleges and Universities, Problem Analysis, Work Innovation


Entering the Internet era, with the popularization and deepening of Internet technology, “Internet+†has begun to be used in all walks of life. In this era, the party building work in colleges and universities has entered a new stage of development. The text begins with the analysis of the significance of “Internet +†to college party building work, focusing on the problems in college party building work and the innovative development of college party building work in the Internet + era. It is hoped that the advantages of the Internet will comprehensively improve the quality of party building work in colleges and universities in China.
How to Cite
Wang, H. (2020). The Innovative Development of Party Building in Colleges and Universities in the Internet+ Era . Lifelong Education, 9(6), 66-68.


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