The Construction and Application of the In-class Flipped Teaching Model Based on Micro-classes in Junior High School Information Technology Courses

  • Xinfei Qing Shihezi University
  • Min Tian Shihezi University
  • Jie Zhou Shihezi University
Ariticle ID: 1292
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Keywords: Flipping in Class, Teaching Model, Junior High School Information Technology, Micro-class


the in-class flipped teaching model concentrates the teaching links of flipped class in the classroom, and completes the process of knowledge construction to internalization in class. This restructuring of teaching structure is more in line with the current education situation in China, but compared with the flipped classroom, China has less theoretical research and practical exploration of the flipped teaching model in class. Therefore, through the research on the current situation of flipped classroom teaching models at home and abroad, combined with the characteristics of junior high school information technology courses, a micro-class-based in-class flipped teaching model was constructed and implemented in junior high school information technology courses. The survey results were obtained to assist related theories and practical exploration.


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