On the Role of Multicultural Education in English Teaching

  • Honglan Liu Enshi Polytechnic
Article ID: 1285
Keywords: English class, Education career, Higher education, Multicultural education


The continuous changes in society and the rapid development of the economy have gradually integrated multiculturalism into people's lives, and have exerted an important influence on their ideological and moral standards, values and behavioral awareness. Therefore, how to effectively introduce the theory of multicultural education into classroom teaching activities and ensure the rapid improvement of teaching effectiveness has become a key research issue for many teachers. From different perspectives, the author explores specific ways to promote the smooth development of English classes in colleges and universities under the multicultural background, hoping to provide references for other college English teachers.
How to Cite
Liu, H. (2020). On the Role of Multicultural Education in English Teaching. Lifelong Education, 9(6), 22-23. https://doi.org/10.18282/le.v9i6.1285


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