Ideology and Business Environment in Heilongjiang province-- Department of Investment Insurance, Harbin Institute of Finance

  • Lin Tang
Article ID: 1252
Keywords: Ideology, Business environment, Current state of heilongjiang, Objective status quo.


At present, China attaches more and more importance to the development of business environment. Heilongjiang, as an important heavy industry base and commodity grain base in China, is also an important sector. The business environment is mainly dependent on the enterprise, with the enterprise can talk about the environment. Enterprises are mainly dependent on personnel. Given the current situation in Heilongjiang province, the economy is not strong enough. This paper puts forward subjective reasons and objective reasons. And put forward relevant Suggestions, can promote the business environment in Heilongjiang region can be better and faster development.
How to Cite
Tang, L. (2020). Ideology and Business Environment in Heilongjiang province-- Department of Investment Insurance, Harbin Institute of Finance. Lifelong Education, 9(5), 203-205.


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