Adaptive Generation Technology of Lightweight Cellular 3D Printing Path

  • Zou Zou Yunnan Open University
Article ID: 1247
Keywords: 3D printing, lightweight, adaptive path, generation technology


With the continuous develop ment and progress of the economy and society, the demand for innovative high- tech development in all walks of life has gradually increased, and the corresponding requirements have also been raised in due course. Because the development and application of advanced and innovative technologies can cover a wide range, it is also conducive to vigorously promote the improvement of the fineness of each production product, and better meet the actual development needs of society. Therefore, as a representative of innovative advanced technology, 3D printing technology should be innovated and optimized by relevant technical developers in order to enhance its practical adaptability.
How to Cite
Zou, Z. (2020). Adaptive Generation Technology of Lightweight Cellular 3D Printing Path. Lifelong Education, 9(5), 188-190.


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