Research and Practice of Teaching Reform of Organic Synthesis in Universities

  • Jinyu Sun Department of Chemistry, Xin Zhou Teachers University
  • Baoping Zhai Department of Chemistry, Xin Zhou Teachers University
  • Sanhu Zhao Department of Chemistry, Xin Zhou Teachers University
  • Minggen Zhao Department of Chemistry, Xin Zhou Teachers University
Article ID: 1240
Keywords: Teaching reform, higher education, teaching methods, organic synthesis teaching


The teaching content of organic synthesis is rigorous and has high standards for students' knowledge application ability, thinking ability and learning ability. Therefore, how to promote the high-efficiency development of organic synthesis classroom teaching activities in colleges and universities has become a problem that needs to be studied by teachers. The author starts from the factors that hinder the development of organic synthesis classrooms in colleges and universities, and through an in-depth analysis of the actual teaching situation, finds a specific way to promote the smooth progress of the reform. Long-term development of career.
How to Cite
Sun, J., Zhai, B., Zhao, S., & Zhao, M. (2020). Research and Practice of Teaching Reform of Organic Synthesis in Universities. Lifelong Education, 9(5), 167-169.


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