The Significance of Ballet Teaching Method to Ballet Basic Training and Arrangement

  • Yina Jin School of art, Yanbian University
Article ID: 1228
Keywords: Choreography combination, higher education, ballet classroom, ballet basic training


As a dance form known as elegant art, ballet not only requires high basic skills for students, but also has a variety of arrangements and combinations. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the ballet classroom teaching, teachers need to pay attention to the standardization and scientificity of the ballet teaching method, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the ballet basic training teaching and the more creative process of the composition of the composition, so that students can pass the classroom Knowledge learning, to get better development.
How to Cite
Jin, Y. (2020). The Significance of Ballet Teaching Method to Ballet Basic Training and Arrangement. Lifelong Education, 9(5), 132-134.


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