Marine corrosion of steel with aerobic and anaerobic biofilms under changeable nutrient concentration conditions

  • Dimitrios S. Sophianopoulos University of Thessaly
  • Vasiliki S Pantazi
  • Maria Ntina
Ariticle ID: 551
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A diffusional model of marine corrosion wear for steel structures is developed and presented in this work, based on the assumption that long-term corrosion depends on both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial activity, which is connected with nutrient changes. This activity of bacteria biofilms is quantitatively evaluated and verified, based on observed data of hydraulic structures of Far East of Russia. It is shown that any short-term increases of nutrients and anthropological pollutant concentrations may significantly accelerate the corrosion rate. Results show that the influence of anaerobic biofilms on the corrosion rate acceleration of immersed steel structures is underestimated.

Author Biography

Dimitrios S. Sophianopoulos, University of Thessaly

A. Education – Teaching Experience

Earned Degrees

Diploma in Civil Engineering (5 year undergraduate courses) – National Technical University of Athens, Greece 1982 (with honors) –MSc equivalent

Ph.D. in Civil Engineering – National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1997 (with honors)

Dissertation Title: Contribution to the nonlinear dynamic instability of discrete and simple continuous dissipative / nondissipative systems

Teaching Experience

Undergraduate Courses (since 1998 as Adjunct and Tenured Faculty)

Metal Structures I , Metal Structures II , Metal Structures III , Elastic Stability

Graduate Courses (1996 – 1999, 2008 – 2013, 2016)

Advanced Static and Dynamic Stability of Structures

Academic Experience Abroad

Visiting Professor, Hydraulic Engineering Division, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russian Federation (Spring Semester 2013).

Teaching of the following two Graduate Courses (International Master’s Degree Program on Offshore and Coastal Engineering).

  1. Structural Dynamics
  2. Introduction to Advanced Structural Dynamics

Involvement in the research process at FEFU

How to Cite
Sophianopoulos, D. S., Pantazi, V. S., & Ntina, M. (2021). Marine corrosion of steel with aerobic and anaerobic biofilms under changeable nutrient concentration conditions. Architecture and Design Review, 3(1).