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Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Global Finance Review


The growth of the Islamic banking and finance industry was remarkable in the last decade in several countries around the world. This growth is expected to continue at a rapid pace, because not only there is an expanding demand for these products, but also even conventional banks have expressed their desire to provide islamic financial services.

The Lead Guest Editor

Taoufik Bouraoui

Read more about Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Global Finance Review

Call for papers for the Special issue: Global Finance Review


Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that make use of cryptography to regulate the creation and transactions of exchange units. Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and monero have recently both gained and fallen rapidly in value. So, Cryptocurrencies have understandably attracted a plethora of attention from investors, regulators and the media, with attention from academia correspondingly growing.

The Lead Guest Editor

Hamid Sakaki

Read more about Call for papers for the Special issue: Global Finance Review