Discussion on technical methods of forest land alteration investigation in Inner Mongolia

  • xiaoyan Pangxiaoyan Pang
Ariticle ID: 296
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Keywords: Woodland, Change, Remote Sensing interpretation zoning, Woodland a Chart Figure category number


to improve the quality of land change survey results in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , To update
the forest area in a timely manner a picture ,combined with the first pilot flag , for counties Woodland Change
Investigation , Using Remote sensing interpretation technique , National Forest Land Annual update information, etc. , to ground class , Woodland range , Admin Properties etc Change Chart patch changes , To form the current
forest land database and the forest land change database in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region . The article
analyzes key technical side of woodland change survey
Method , indicates an existing problem , and make the appropriate recommendations .


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How to Cite
Pang, xiaoyan P. (2024). Discussion on technical methods of forest land alteration investigation in Inner Mongolia. Remote Sensing, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.18282/rs.v4i1.296