3 s application of technology in forest resource survey

  • Yong Party Yong Party
Ariticle ID: 231
144 Views, 4 PDF Downloads
Keywords: , 3 s Technology, Forestry Resources, investigate


pick up 3 s Technology, remote sensing technology (RS), Geographic Information System (GIS), Global
Positioning System (GPS), as a in the area of remote sensing and information technology 3 High- tech , Is widely
used in all aspects , has taken a huge role in forestry resource surveys, in particular , . This article is primarily
for 3sThe technology does a simple introduction to the , with 3s Application of Technology in forestry Resource
survey doing research .


Sun Dong Splendor . 3 s application of technology in forest resource survey ["". Forestry Exploration design , :

Chenjiang , Wang Yanxia , Wei Shenli . Broad 3 s Technology in forest resource survey and

management apply . Forestry Exploration design , 2006:

How to Cite
Party, Y. P. Y. (2017). 3 s application of technology in forest resource survey. Remote Sensing, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.18282/rs.v1i1.231