Analysis on President Xi’s New Year Greeting from Perspective of Transitivity

  • Yan Meng School of Foreign Languages,China Three Gorges University
Article ID: 2245
Keywords: Ideational function, Transitivity, President Xi’s New Year Greeting


On the eve of New Year's Day in 2021, President Xi Jinping expressed his New Year's greeting to the people of the whole country. President Xi Jinping’s greeting is representative and prominent. The study of Xi Jinping’s 2021 New Year’s greeting from the perspective of transitivity in systemic functional linguistics is of great significance. We can not only understand the ideational meaning conveyed by the greeting but also to understand President Xi’s humanistic sentiments and the leadership style of being close to the people and loving the people.
How to Cite
Meng, Y. (2021). Analysis on President Xi’s New Year Greeting from Perspective of Transitivity. Learning & Education, 10(2), 1-3.


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