Research on Computer Applications Based on Management of Network Information Security Technology

  • Xiaofeng Ma SEGI University
  • Norriza Hussin SEGI University
Article ID: 1113
Keywords: Network Information, Security Technology, Management, Computer Application


With the rapid development of computer network, the fully opened network has greatly changed people’s production and daily life and the traditional industries are no longer closed. However, there are also many network security problems. To deal with it, this article explores the computer applications based on management of network information security technology. It analyzes the main factors threatening network information security from the security problems caused by computer applications. Combining with the application practice, specific measures are put forward for reference.

How to Cite
Ma, X., & Hussin, N. (2023). Research on Computer Applications Based on Management of Network Information Security Technology. Journal of Networking and Telecommunications, 5(1), 53-57.
Original Research Articles


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