Human Resources Management and Services <table> <tbody> <tr style="vertical-align: top;"> <td style="text-align: justify;"> <p><strong><em>Human Resources Management and Services</em></strong> (HRMS) is an international open access journal on theoretical and practical research in the field of human resource management. HRMS adopts a double-blind peer review model and publishes high-quality articles. It is committed to disseminating unique and insightful insights and promoting the development, innovation and understanding of human resource management. Potential readers of HRMS include scholars, practice managers, and policy makers in the field.</p> </td> <td><img src="/public/site/images/admin/HRMS_cover_12.png"><br> <div id="issn_section"><br><span class="issn_num"><span class="issn_num">ISSN: 2661-4308 (O</span></span><span class="issn_num">)</span><br><br><img src="/public/site/Open_Access.png" alt=""></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> PiscoMed Publishing Pte Ltd en-US Human Resources Management and Services 2661-4308 How recruitment ad informativeness influence application intentions: Mediating role of perceived fit and moderating role of employment experience <p>Business organizations use job advertisements to find and attract the high-quality workforce they need. Skillfully crafted job advertisements not only provide job-related information to job seekers but also help develop a strong employer brand in the employee market. Based on signaling theory and person-environment fit theory, we propose that the content and specificity of information provided in job advertisements influence job advertisement effectiveness through various mechanisms. In a scenario-based experiment on 310 young job seekers, we probed the direct and indirect effects of job advertisement informativeness on job pursuit intentions. Using structural equations modelling and multi-group path analysis, the mediating roles of perceived job appropriateness and ad truthfulness, along with the moderating role of previous employment experience, were examined. By manipulating the information content of a hypothetical job advertisement, we demonstrated that: a) both advertisement informativeness and perceived job appropriateness had positive direct effects on application intentions, while the latter had a greater effect; b) perceived job appropriateness mediated the relationship between advertisement informativeness and job pursuit intentions; c) the indirect (mediated) effect of advertisement informativeness on application intentions was moderated by previous employment experience; d) perceived ad truthfulness did not exert any significant effect on application intentions. These findings imply that HR practitioners should provide specific information in job postings to help candidates, especially those with less work experience, evaluate how well the job suits them and increase their motivation to apply.</p> Esra Alniacik Umit Alniacik Copyright (c) 2025 Esra Alniacik, Umit Alniacik 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 7 1 3576 3576 10.18282/hrms3576 Investigating the impact of human resource empowerment on the establishment of green human resources management in Tehran’s 14th district municipality <p>This study explores the influence of human resource empowerment on the establishment of green human resource management (GHRM) within Tehran’s 14th district municipality. Utilizing a descriptive-analytical research approach, the study targets the practical implications of empowerment strategies on GHRM implementation. The research population consists of 1500 employees from the 14th district, based on the 2017 census. A sample of 306 respondents was selected using Morgan’s table. Data were collected via a structured questionnaire developed from the study’s conceptual framework and research hypotheses. The questionnaire’s validity and reliability were confirmed through expert review and Cronbach’s alpha (0.9). Descriptive statistics outline the background and primary variables, while inferential statistics, particularly the Pearson correlation test, were used to evaluate the hypotheses. Results indicate that human resource empowerment positively affects the establishment of GHRM in Tehran’s 14th district municipality.</p> Sahar Shetaban Esmaeil Kavousi Copyright (c) 2025 Sahar Shetaban, Esmaeil Kavousi 2025-01-14 2025-01-14 7 1 3489 3489 10.18282/hrms3489 Power, politics and job satisfaction among employees in Wolaita Sodo Polytechnic College, South Ethiopia <p>When power is exercised, it results in political behavior in organizations. Excessively held organizational politics can hurt an organization and its members though some consider wisely used political behavior as positive. This study was conducted at Wolaita Sodo Polytechnic College (WSPTC) to investigate the effect of power and political dynamism on employee job satisfaction. Cross-sectional survey design was used to collect data from stratified, randomly selected 146 informants. The Rahim Leader Power Inventory (RLPI), Interpersonal Power Inventory (IPI), Perception of Organizational Politics (POP), and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) were employed to collect data. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were made using statistical packages (SPSS version 23). The findings revealed that when managers legitimate, coercive, and reward power bases are higher, then organizational politics becomes higher. Power concentration at higher positions results in increased organizational politics than when it was shared. Regression analysis uncovered that 47% (R-squared 0.468) of variations in job satisfaction were explained by POP and power dynamics. Hence, it is recommended that having power sharing, empowering subordinates, and moderate political maneuvering in the use of power and politics will be helpful in maintaining constructive relationships and job satisfaction.</p> Shimelis Tamirat Zerihun Ayenew Copyright (c) 2025 Shimelis Tamirat, Zerihun Ayenew 2025-01-17 2025-01-17 7 1 3585 3585 10.18282/hrms3585 Exploring the potential of art-based workshops for solving complex problems in companies <p>The current business environment characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) advances numerous challenges for organizations. To respond effectively to these changing demands, traditional approaches to solving problems often prove inadequate in this dynamic context. A new approach, the ProCESS methodology, was developed and tested in the last three years within an Erasmus+ consortium in four European countries. This approach stimulates unconventional thinking and the finding of creative solutions for real-world business challenges. The aim of this perspective paper is to present the research data collected in two Romanian companies by testing ProCESS methodology. In the discussion section, the paper highlights the potential of this methodology that uses various artistic tools like drawing, music, modeling, or meditation to encourage participants to tap into their sensory, emotional, and spiritual sides for finding new and unexpected solutions. The paper also discusses potential influences on organizational culture and employee well-being.</p> Violeta Firescu Copyright (c) 2025 Violeta Firescu 2025-01-23 2025-01-23 7 1 3579 3579 10.18282/hrms3579 Conceptual principles of enterprise management and its system-forming components <p>In modern conditions of instability and changes in the factors of the environment of the functioning of many business structures, the construction of their management systems is becoming more complicated; the issue of the conceptual principles of enterprise management is becoming especially important. The conducted research is aimed at substantiating the conceptual principles of enterprise management, defining tasks, and developing recommendations for increasing the efficiency of business processes, strengthening economic potential, and ensuring adaptation to modern challenges. It was determined that under the enterprise management system, it is advisable to consider the methods of influence and interaction between the subject and the object of management, which is based on compliance with principles, using methods, and performing functions in order to achieve the set goals and fulfill the tasks of the enterprise’s activities. The authors proposed a structure of procedural support for building an enterprise management system, which includes. The study developed a system of principles for building organizational structures for managing the activities of enterprises. The main principles of organizing the process of managing a production enterprise include achieving economic efficiency, personal material interest, single leadership, self-management, proportionality, and systematicity. The main recommendations for improving the efficiency of business processes and ensuring adaptation to modern challenges include: the use of digital platforms for promoting the corporate mission, vision and values; the creation of interactive employee training programs; the use of analytical tools for collecting and analyzing data; forecasting market trends and modeling development scenarios; the implementation of systems for integrating key enterprise functions; the use of specialized platforms for risk assessment; building a culture of innovation; methodological support for monitoring the results of the implementation of digital tools; the integration of environmental and social initiatives into all levels of management.<b></b></p> Viktoriia Melnyk Oleh Pohrishchuk Yulia Melnyk Copyright (c) 2025 Author(s) 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 7 1 3561 3561 10.18282/hrms3561 Job satisfaction in relation to the situation inside the organization—results of research at the technical university <p>Human capital, which is a key resource of every organization, is characterized by high sensitivity to social, cultural and other factors that are not necessarily economic in nature. In the process of managing this capital, employee satisfaction becomes key, resulting from various reasons. In this study, we attempted to examine the level of satisfaction of university employees. The aim of this study was to gather information on the level of employee satisfaction with their job positions and to examine the relationships between selected, identified factors influencing their job satisfaction. The paper used multivariate statistical analysis, mainly Wilcoxon tests and Spearman rank correlation. Analysis of the survey results confirmed significant relationships between factors such as work atmosphere, appreciation of work effects, proper division of responsibilities and possible help in the team.</p> Anna Karczewska Ewelina Krzyżowska Katarzyna Kukowska Marek Szajt Copyright (c) 2025 Author(s) 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 7 1 3759 3759 10.18282/hrms3759 Work-life balance and employee well-being: The moderating effect of employee engagement among millennials in front-line service companies <p>The human factor of production is a significant player in increased organizational productivity. Due to the contemporary competitive work environment, the millennial in front-line jobs is faced with demanding work activities, resulting in challenges to their psychological well-being. Therefore, exploring the connectedness between work-life balance, employee engagement and psychological well-being of the millennial becomes imperative. Research was conducted, using an ex-post facto research design, among 320 purposively selected front-line millennial employees, with a mean age of 32 years. The instrument administered in a Google Form survey contained a 44-item self-report questionnaire, comprising work-life balance, employee engagement with components as vigor, dedication and absorption, and employee well-being. Data analyzed revealed that work-life balance significantly predicted employee well-being, accounting for 25% variance. The dimensions of employee engagement (vigor, dedication and absorption) collectively accounted for 7% variance in employee well-being. The study establishes the fact that to enhance the psychological well-being of Millennials in front-line jobs, organizational management should design the work structures to allow for work-life balance, which will as well increase their work engagement. They can encourage employees to find meaning and purpose in their work (dedication), provide opportunities for skill development and autonomy (vigor), and create an environment that allows employees to fully immerse themselves in their tasks (absorption). These could be implemented through organizational development strategies and work design. However, future research should target additional variables, replicate the study in different contexts and among another population of employees, employ longitudinal data collection methods, and increase sample sizes. Furthermore, measures should be taken to minimize the impact of social desirability and enhance the generalizability of the research.</p> Praise Ofure Asotie Benjamin Osayawe Ehigie Sunday Yusuff Aderibigbe Rebecca I. Ehigie Ojo Muhammed Oriade Copyright (c) 2025 Author(s) 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 7 1 3581 3581 10.18282/hrms3581 Review of the development of research themes in human resource management: A bibliometric co-citation analysis of the 1970s and 1980s <p>This study aims to explore the evolution of the human resources field in Western academia during the 1970s and 1980s, focusing on the trends in research topics across different decades. The analysis utilizes citation co-citation analysis, multivariate statistical analysis, and social network analysis. The research data were drawn from the Web of Science (WoS) database, comprising 1278 documents. By distinguishing between different time periods, the study identifies shifts in the field across two distinct time frames, visualized through multidimensional scaling maps. The results indicate that the 1970s were dominated by seven major research streams, while the 1980s introduced eight research streams, with “human resources” emerging for the first time as a prominent research frontier. The volume of literature, co-citation frequency, and citation counts all increased over time, reflecting the growing vibrancy and expanding scope of research in the field. Although citation co-citation analysis provides objective quantitative insights, issues such as the purpose of citations, the extent to which cited documents influence citing documents, and the varying layers of citation impact may introduce potential errors in the co-citation analysis results.<b></b></p> Yu-Shen Fang Copyright (c) 2025 Author(s) 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 7 1 3578 3578 10.18282/hrms3578