Discussion on Technical Problems and Development Suggestions of Engineering Drilling Rig Automation

  • Kaijun Li College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University
  • Zibo Di School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jilin University
Ariticle ID: 872
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Keywords: Drilling Rig, Automation Technology, Technical Problems and Suggestions


As one of the important technologies in the mining industry, the drilling machine technology can improve the efficiency and quality of the mining industry. Compared with the traditional drilling machine technology, the drilling machine automation technology is obviously more reliable. Drilling automation technology can not only optimize the traditional mining efficiency, but also ensure the safety of people in the mining process. At present, the automatic drilling machine is the highest level of drilling technology in China. In the process of the automatic drilling machine, the downhole closed-loop technology can be used. This technology can completely separate from the human control and automatically complete the task only by transferring the information to the underground central computer.


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