On Boeing 737 – 300 Wing Aerodynamics Calculations Based on VLM Theory

  • Jacob Nagler School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tel-Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel
Ariticle ID: 604
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Keywords: VLM, Finite Wing Theory, Lifting Coefficient, Moment Coefficient, Center of Pressure


In this paper, aerodynamics coefficients of Boeing 737-300 were calculated using VLM (vortex lattice method) theory. The wing was assumed to be planar and was divided into 6×6 panels, which were in the trapezoid shape. Aerodynamics lifting and moment coefficients were calculated. Also, center of pressure location was found using data from VLM and wing geometry. Comparisons between literature, finite wing theory and VLM theory were done. It was found that maximum lifting coefficient error between literature and VLM was about 4.0%. Moreover, that between finite wing theory and VLM was about 2.2%. Center of pressure location error between finite wing theory and VLM was about 0.5%.


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How to Cite
Nagler, J. (2018). On Boeing 737 – 300 Wing Aerodynamics Calculations Based on VLM Theory. Frontiers of Mechatronical Engineering, 1(1), 95-101. https://doi.org/10.18282/fme.v1i1.604