Vol. 6 No. 2: (Published)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 314

    Design of individualized distance education for special children

    by Quan Zheng

    Contemporary Special Education Research, Vol.6, No.2, 2018; 174 Views, 10 PDF Downloads

    Abstract:  Special Child individualized distance education is to crack the special children's residence dispersed , Teacher Tour service is inconvenient , Curriculum and teaching suitability is not strong , One means of assessing the plight of special education that is less accurate "" Based on respecting individual differences and special needs of special children , Follow special The connotation of the development of individualized education in children and its related theories , the practical problems and difficulties of individualized education for special children in China borders , This study designed a special children's individualized distance education support system . system from ecological assessment to curriculum development , from teaching implementation to fully review , Provides a one-stop full education Support service for special children's individualized distance education . This study takes a special child as a case study on system features and Applications by , Research shows individualized distance education for special children individualized Education methods for improving special children , promoting personalized development for special children , To enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of special education has a certain role in promoting micro- "" " Special children ; remote Education " ;Individual Education ;" one person one course "" system support Platform ; Visual assessment ;3D Recovery training 

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 321

    Discussion on the construction of higher education mode for disabled people in information age

    by Jinxio Hu

    Contemporary Special Education Research, Vol.6, No.2, 2018; 236 Views, 12 PDF Downloads

    Look at the current social situation in China , China's disabled higher education is in a relatively backward state . and this phenomenon on the one hand is caused by our social environment factor , on the other hand, the current education policy in China . This paper first analyzes the status quo of higher education for the disabled in China and the significance of implementing higher education for the handicapped , then from culture goal , Teaching mode ,, Professional settings Explore China's disabled higher education training Culture Mode , and combine the current social realities of our country , propose strategies for building a higher education model for disabled persons . to ensure that the rights of the disabled in our country are guaranteed secure , promote social and cultural progress in our country .  

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 355

    Investigation of digital reading in middle school students with hearing impairment

    by Jinping Hu, Yongqiang Ma

    Contemporary Special Education Research, Vol.6, No.2, 2018; 187 Views, 11 PDF Downloads

    随着信息技术的发展,教育创新层出不穷。 虽然互联网为教育工作者带来了便利,但却出现了许多问题。 计算机,手机的普及大大提高了人们的阅读能力,包括“深度阅读”,“浅读”,“零散阅读”和“数字阅读”等新兴名词。 听力受损是一个特殊的群体,很少有学者研究数字阅读的发展。 从数字阅读的角度出发,以东营特殊教育学校和青岛聋校为例,通过问卷调查和教师访谈,调查听力学生数字阅读的现状和影响因素。减值,

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 365

    National Institute of Autism Center National Standards Program Report Enlightenment of special education in China

    by Xiaowei Ma

    Contemporary Special Education Research, Vol.6, No.2, 2018; 212 Views, 11 PDF Downloads

    National Standards Program launched by the United States Autism Center The ( hereinafter referred to as National Standards Program) aims to assess the core characteristics of autism spectrum disorders The effectiveness of education and behavior in the . The national standard plan is characterized by the leadership of the unified organization , based on evidence-based practice , Specification of the research process , to the home emphasis on education . The results of the National Standards program are " National standards Report " , The results of the first edition of are divided into four categories , The results of the second edition of are divided into three categories . national Standard meter the revelation of our country is concerned about the pertinence and effectiveness of the thousand-pre method , attach Parental guidance , Strengthen cooperation and exchange, promote resources A total of, attach importance to evidence-based practice Apply , focus on the lives of adult special groups .

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 401

    Status of special education in Czech universities , features and Revelations

    by Xiangwei Li

    Contemporary Special Education Research, Vol.6, No.2, 2018; 179 Views, 10 PDF Downloads

     Czech Republic is a country with well-developed special education and higher education in Central Europe , After nearly a century of development , has formed a more mature special education teacher Training System . This article mainly introduces the development and characteristics of special education in Czech universities . investigation shows , currently , Czech University special Education Pro approximately Ten Bachelor's degree , Master degree and 4 ph. d. ; Their special education professional is high level , Variety , re-practice , Open ,, information features . Learn from Czech experience and reflect on our reality , Our colleges and universities to go in the future _ steps to improve the training system for special education teachers , Special Education Professional should further improve the level of schooling , Add Diversity , enforce practice , Expand Openness , Promote information .